Buenas tardes, familia Erasmusplus.
Este que aquí está, considera que sus alumnos deben trabajar este tema en las clases, un crimen de guerra en nuestras narices.
Llevamos ya un mes de genocidio en pleno corazón de Europa, con los grandes líderes enfrascados en inútiles blablerías. La realidad es la que Anastassia Lapatina nos brinda aquí, al contarnos la historia de Nadia Sukhorukova, verde esperanza.

Despues de leer a Anastasiia se le queda a uno el cuerpo destrozado, ¿verdad? Pero, ¿miramos para otro lado o ayudamos en lo que podamos? En nuestro caso, nos toca analizar y saber qué está pasando de verdad. Y luego, actuar.
"Hoy vamos a tratar el tema de las redes sociales, ergo, social media, en concreto, en el importante papel que está jugando como parte activa de la resistencia #resistance frente al invasor genocida rusoVamos a leer unos comentarios, terribles, que una increíblemente valiente mujer ucraniana, Nadia Sukhorukova, verde esperanza, ha subido a la red social Twitter, en la que describe fielmente qué está ella viviendo día a día en la asediada ciudad de Mariupol, probablemente, la ciudad más bombardeada del mundo hoy en día.
Mariupol. Foto de Internet. |
Foto de Internet |
Después trabajaremos algunos aspectos gramaticales, de uso del lenguaje y temas para reflexionar.
AZUL: Traducciones.
ROJO: Aspectos gramaticales.
VERDE: Aspectos culturales.
NARANJA: Estructuras concatenadas
MORADO: Traducción y sinónimos, antónimos, etc.
Amarillo: Palabras con trampa.
Os dejo una plantilla para que, sobre la marcha, podáis ir completando con sinónimos, antónimos, etc y los significados. Espero que os sea de utilidad. Pinchad aquí para descargarla.
1. Answer these questions:
1. When Nadia goes outside, are there bombs exploding outside?
Yes, there are. /No, there aren't.
2. Why does Nadie have to leave her shelter?
3. Is the dog happy and relaxed?
4. Is the dog crying?
5. What is the temperature outside?
6. Where are the people?
7. Is Nadia tired?
Questions: Paragraph 3/13: 1) What has happened to the windows? 2) What do the curtains resemble? 3) Is Nadia sure she is going to die?
Paragraph 4/13: 1) What does she think will happen to her body? 2) What happened to the fire department? 3) Were there any survivors among the rescuers?
Paragraph 5/13: 1) Where are the remains of the people being put? 2) Why? 3) Why will her body be buried?
Paragraph 6/13: 1) What is the courtyard covered with? 2) Why? 3) What happened to the building after the shelling?
Paragraph 7/13:
1) Why does Nadia shudder?
2) What is the piece of metal lying on the yard?
3) Is Nadia afraid of living or dead people?
Paragraph 8/13:
1) How does Nadie guess that the bombs are going to fall again?
2) What is most predominant around her?
3) Is it windy at all?
Paragraph 9/13
1) Are there any more people around her outside?
2) Are they alive or dead?
3) Is she excited to see any more people?
Paragraph 10/13:
1) Are there any fires nearby? If so, where?
2) How is Nadia feeling?
3) Why and when will darkness fall again?
Paragraph 11/13:
1) Has she had another previous life?
2) What is she feeling now?
3) What is happening to iron?
Paragraphs 12 and13:
1) What is Nadia asking other people in the world?
2) Why?
3) Where are people in Mariupol surviving?
4) Do they have the basics to live?
5) How can you help fight the blockade of the city?
Task 2:
1) Look for a synonym of 'shake':
2) Find a verb whose definition is: 'tremble because you are cold or frightened'.
3) Look for a synonym of: burn slowly.
4) Look for a synonym of: crying.
5) Find a word whose definition is: 'hot bright stream of burning gas that comes from something that is on fire'.
Task 3:
Make questions using the question word provided:
1) My heart simply aches. (what)
2) Mariupol art organization Platform Tu is raising funds for assistance to victims of the Russian blockade of the city. (Who) (Why)
3) The people of Mariupol must live. (Who)
4) I go back to the basement and listen to the ugly scrape of the iron. (Where) (Who) (What)
5) It was hit twice by a shell. (How many) (What..by)
6) One woman had her head torn off. (What) (Which part...)
7) The fire in the room burns as delicately as in a fireplace. (What) (where) (How)
#стаяць з украінай
#стою з україною
կանգնել Ուկրաինայի հետ
დაუდგეს უკრაინას
#stāvēt ar Ukrainu
#ukrayna ile durmak
стоять с Украиной#
د اوکراین سره ودریږئ
kusimama na ukraine
우크라이나와 함께 서다
Украинамен бірге болыңыз
یوکرین کے ساتھ کھڑے ہیں
kiállni Ukrajnával
לעמוד עם אוקראינה
kū me Ukraine
યુક્રેન સાથે ઊભા રહો
σταθεί με την Ουκρανία
დაუდგეს უკრაინას
#stati uz ukrajinu
#stáť za ukrajinou
#stojijo z ukrajino
#Ukrainarekin egon zaitez
#seisoo Ukrainan kanssa
#qëndrojnë me Ukrainën
#mit der ukraine stehen
#ukraynanın yanında durun
#застанете с украйна
#stát s ukrajinou
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