Vamos a ir viendo, a lo largo de los próximos días, los frutos de este trabajo. Comenzamos hoy con el video de nuestra compañera Ester Martínez Pérez, de 1º de Bachillerato B, a quien quiero dar las gracias y la enhorabuena por este maravilloso análisis y por las preguntas que plantea. Creo que el futuro está en buenas manos.
No está de más hacer un poco de 'grammar banging', o sea, machacar gramática, pim pam pum, hasta que se dominen las reglas, que no son fáciles.
Ya hemos visto todas en clase y quedan pocos días para la prueba escrita.
Os dejo algunos ejercicios con las respuestas para que os sirvan de guía para estudiar. Ya sabéis, si hay errores de spelling, I am so sorry.
Mañana dejaré otro ejercicio con las respuestas.
2º Ficha de ejercicios. Mañana pondré las respuestas. Es conveniente que hagáis todas. Remember, the more, the better.
Os dejo hoy las respuestas al ejercicio de arriba que os puse ayer. Y otro nuevo a continuación.
Y el tercer y último ejercicio antes de la prueba del jueves o viernes:
Id al enlace siguiente de esta página para hacer estos ejercicios online, muy sencillos y claros, sobre reporting verbs. Son dos 'quiz' con las respuestas online:
This month's project -February's- is focused on investigating about education, therefore, about your future, about what you can do to make it better, promising and successful. Read, think, write, think again, write again, talk and suggest. It is your thoughtful opinion what I am keen on.
Deadline for submission: 15th of March.
Let's kick off.
Sir Ken Robinson, in his famous TED talk, argues that our current educational systems are still largely based on an industrial paradigm of education, with students who, for the most part, fail to see or are simply unable to see the point of going to school everyday, schools which are largely focused on 'finding the right answers to pass the tests' rather than about stimulating divergent thinking.
You can watch the whole TED talk in the following link. I promise you it'll make you think and maybe even change your point of view upon many issues that affect you a lot in your daily life as a student. I believe it is really worth watching.
This wonderful, terrific and thought-provoking interview to these two year 11 students was shot five years ago. Yet, I believe it is still valid for anybody who is interested in education, maybe, more than never before. Why do we have to stay put? Why should we conform with such traditional standards and methods of teaching and learning than more often than not seem not to be useful any longer? Online teaching, confinement and lockdown, homeschooling, online teaching suites and the like.
During my second -certainly much more rewarding, fulfilling and worthwhile than I could have envisaged while packing my stuff- visit to Lytchett Minster School, with a petty grant from the Spanish government within the scope of the inspiring program for teachers called 'Becas the estancias profesionales' or Professional Stay Grants, I had the unforgettable chance to converse with lots and lots of amicable and cordial students. However, these two gentlemen here selflessly offered themselves to be my useful guides and confidents during these two, without a doubt, intense, exhausting and life changing weeks.
Clad in their best suits, they lengthly answered some of my questions, which sought to try to perceive, to grasp why Lytchett Minster was and, definitely still is, such an outstanding and proficient learning and teaching community.
The video is a bit long though; yet, it is still refreshing and inspiring.
Your tasks are:
1) Work out the questions they are answering to: write down what you think the actual words of the questions might have been.
2) Write a short summary of each of the answers.
3) After that, I wonder myself: how can you contribute to improve your school and learning environment? Can you give it some thought and write, let's say, some 200-250 words about it?
4) Once you've done some research (Sir Ken's talk, the Lytchett's interview and your own insights and findings put it in black and white, you will have to record a video presentation of at least 3 minutes in which you will show your point of view from a positive perspective, giving suggestions as to how to improve our educational system.
5) Watch this video by Sir Ken Robinson and add his insights to yours. What do you think of it?
Do schools kill creativity?
6) Usa la siguiente aplicación de google para hacer un visual thinking sobre tus reflexiones más inmediatas y sobre los contenidos de los 3 videos.
Aquí tienes un ejemplo de cómo usar las presentaciones de google en google drive.
7) Comparte tu visual thinking con el hastag #letschangethesystem con un enlace a drive para que todos puedan acceder a tu trabajo.
8) Elabora en inglés un video de entre 3 y 5 minutos con tus reflexiones, aportaciones y siempre utilizando un punto de vista crítico positivo.
It will be part of February's project. Come on, do dazzle me once again.
See you soon, guys.
Well, let's see what you discover, suggest and propose:
Your humble teacher,
Manuel Molina.
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