Un abrazo, queridos students. (Por cierto, como en los buenos postres, el mejor video que resume todas esta experiencia está al final).
'Querido cuaderno de bitácora...
'Today is the last day in the school and I am very sad about this because it has been such a dream for me being in this school and lear about the English cultura and it educational system because it is so different compared with the Spanish one.
When the clases have ended, all the people that were
involved in the Exchange were reunited in a garden where we have ate
traditional sweets and some of the Spanish and English guys have made a kind of
speech for the rest of the people. Then the headmaster and other teachers gave
us a diploma with our name and a present. When that ceremony ended, we went
shopping with some os the girls but here in England shops close to early.
Finally all together have had dinner at Pizza Hut because everyone love pizza.'
Sara Illán
'It seems impossible but our dream
exchange is almost finished. It has been short but intense, and the last day
has been the best one. We leave to Salisbury in order to visit the famous
Stonehenge monument and the Salisbury cathedral, which is very impressive.
On the one hand Stonehenge as a
monument is not very lovely, you can think that it is only a group of rocks,
but if you think about the history of its construction, what was the purpose of
this building and why people did a lot of work to build it, it is interesting.
On the other hand Salisbury
cathedral is beautiful by itself, but if you asked the same questions before,
probably you will get the same answers.
At the end of the day Dene organised
a little farewell party in his house so we had a lot of fun. I finally was able
to say goodbye to Lily, who helped me a lot during the lessons and was very
friendly with me. I will never forget her.
In summary the party was funny and
the farewell sad, but all the exchange was unforgettable.'
José Bermejo
'On Friday in the first period I had gimnastic but the students had to take their photos for graduación, in the second period I had English and I could analyze some poets, in the third period I had Spanish we practiced a part of the Spanish exam, we had lunch fish and chips in the school and the last two hours I had resistant materials with Amber
After the school we did a kind of ceremony to say good-bye in the school, we could tasted typical desserts and two English students and two Spanish students made a speech. After that I packed my suitcase and at night all of us went to PizzaHunt to had dinner, we had a good time because we could improve our English with new words and know each other better .'
We have gone to Stonehenge, we spent one hour and a half to see it, after
that we went to Salisbury to see the cathedral; it was so interesting because
this isn’t catholic, and besides there we could see the Magna Carta.
In the afternoon we went shopping and at night all of us did party in Dene’s
house to say good-bye!
The exchange is going to be unforgettable for me, I could know a different
culture, a beautiful country and incredible people.'
Marta Montalvo
'We are going back to Spain. It has been a wonderful week where we have
learned many new things, not only we have improved academically,
improving our English, but we have matured as people and have learned to adapt
to the situation at all times. But we haven't to forget that all this would not
have been possible without our teachers and the rest of the educational center.
We have really enjoyed this unforgettable experience. This exchange has marked
a before and after in our lives and I think that all students deserve to have
this wonderful opportunity.'
'This is my first day at English class. At first hour we went to the high school and we had breakfast at the canteen. I ate bacon with potatos I can remember. Then we had a guide visit around the high school. It was amazing. There were at least four buildings that each of then was related with different kind of subject, like science, history, art...
My first class was maths with Molly. The teacher gave us a photocopie that we had to do. After that we had a break to have lunch with the rest of my exchange friends. When the break was finished, we came back to the Spanish class in wich we were taking all time in English and in Spanish, obviously.
Finally, we had english class and we had been studying what was the meaning of the poem.
In the afternoon, we went to the beach and we had dinner there next to the sea. We ate fish and chip. It was delicious!'
Lourdes Llavero
'Tuesday was a good day. At first I went to high school like all days. I
went to English and Science which was Chemistry with Hannah, and to Spanish and
French for two times with Fiona. For the lunch I ate pizza and a biscuit and
they are delicious. After high school I went home and I changed my clothes.
Then I went to Poole with Fiona, Alba, Olivia, Marta, Chloe and Lourdes. At
first we went to Starbucks where Marta and Lourdes were drinking a coffee. Then we went
shopping where I bought a T-shirt and after that, we went to an exhibition of
motorbikes and then we went to have dinner in a restaurant where we are a
delicious burger.'
'Wednesday was a funny
day. We went to the high school but this time only three hours, with Hannah and
Fiona. I ate in cantone pizza again, and I changed my clothes quickly. Then we
went to Bournemouth all together where we saw an incredible museum of Queen
Victoria that is a really big house and we search some information in it. And
then we went to an aquarium, where we saw lots of sea animals like gis,
turtles, sharks... After we had free time and we went shopping where I can
bought some presents. Finally we had dinner Thai food, in a restaurant in
Bournemouth too.'
María Martínez
Day 6
'This morning I woke up and I felt a little bit sad because it was our last day with our English friends in Poole. We had a trip so we took the bus and after an hour more or less to Stonehenge, where we could see this beautiful place and learn more about the culture of our ancestors. Later we went to a cathedral in Salisbury and we had a guide who spoke to us in English and there were some things that I didn't understand very well, but I learned things such as the fact that this cathedral is one of the highest buildings in the world. Then we went to some shops to buy some presents to our family and we also drunk tea in a café. Finally we went to a party in Dene's home and it was very funny for us.
Finally I would like to do make a summary of my experience in Poole. We started this experience very excited because we had the opportunity to travel to another country to improve our English level and to break the routine. But I personally think that it was more than learning a language because we have met incredible people and I'm sure that we won't forget this experience in our life.'
Alba De Dios
Good morning!
'Today have been our first day! Very nervous! I'm so tired because yesterday I went to a festival of colours and I don't sleep anything so I have tried sleep on the bus and on the plane. When we have arrieved Grace and her mother have huged! Then, we have gone to house and Grace has shown my bedroom and the others rooms. At 10:30am we've going to the church and I have been borrd because I doesn't understand anything. We've eaten carrots, coliflor and meat.. they said me that this meal was a typical food in England. In the afternoom, Grace studied while I was having a shower. Then, we've seen "The Momie" in English, but I don't understand.. I promise understand all at the end of Exchange! See you tomorrow.'
Saturday, 21th April 2018.
'Today we've gone to Stonehenge and Salisbury!
First of all Grace's mum has preparated me pancakes for breakfast!
First we've gone to Stonehenge to visit the monuments and we've had a
problem with Carmen jajaja, she had forgotten her ticket in the bus and she
couldn't go to the visit. Finally, the man has given her a ticket. After
Stonehenge, we've gone to Salisbury. There we've visited the cathedral, it's
amazing and beautiful! And then we've had free time to buy souvenirs.
At night, all of them have gone to Dene's house because he had preparated a
party. Suddenly, we've listened the 'Cuando me vaya' song and we've started to
cry everyone, even Dene! It has been an exciting day...'
Elena Romero
'Today our exchange started very early in the bus, and how it's obvious with our teacher D. Manuel remembering us to pick up all things we need and to don't forget anything.
We took the bus and soon I fell asleep so without taking into account we reached the airport. The time past fast, we reached the plane without problems. The trip was fantastic and due to the lack of comfort of the bus, in a similar way, I started to sleep in the plane. We passed controls in airport without inconvenients and finally I met Dene.
He's very sympathetic and I feel well hosted with him and his family. As soon as we get home, Manuel and me left our lugage in our room and soon we were having a walk around the neighbourhood.
By 12 o' clock we met all together and have a relaxed meal in a restaurant. After that, we went to a minigolf establishment and have a good time playing too.
Finally we went to a basket court and played an hour this sport. Now, we are in house, ready to have dinner and prepare all things we need for tomorrow!'
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'Saturday morning we started having a fast breakfast
before taking the bus to stonehenge. This piece of old well stacked stones is
absolutely recommended to visit due to its fantastic history. After Stonehenge
visit, we took the bus to Salisbury. We visited the cathedral, including the
Magna Carta, which is amazing. Some free time visiting this awesome village before
returning home. Once there, we prepared all things for this night, when we
decided to do a party all together. Night was incredible, we had lots of laughs
and fun, and after some hours, when party finished, we went to bed. It was the
last day, not everyone was crying, but nobody wanted this moment to arrive.'
Alberto Bermejo
VISITA OBLIGADA: Copia original de la Magna Carta en la catedral de Salisbury, de la que tan sentidamente nos habla nuestro alumnos Miguel Ángel en su video a continuación.
'We woke up at 7.00. We had a
shower and had breakfast. We went to school for the whole day. I didn’t go to
any new lessons, but I had a Spanish lesson with the other guys and it was
funny to see them trying to talk about things that they didn’t know.
After school, we quickly got
changed and then we all went to the beach. We had already gone to the beach on
Monday, but today was different: it was a really good day: sunny and warm. One
of the Spanish guys, Alberto, even swam in the sea!
We came home and had pasta for
dinner. It wasn’t a traditional English meal, but still delicious. I checked my
social media, watched some YouTube videos, talked to my parents and here I am…
hoping the week doesn’t end.'
Miguel Ángel Dávila
'Today was the last day. We were sad, but we had to have fun that day. At 9
am we had to take the bus and go to Stonehenge and Salisbury. When we went to
Stonehenge we went to the visit and also to the museum. After that we took the
bus again and went to Sainsbury. We had lunch and then we saw the cathedral and
had a visit inside it. I really liked it. After the visit we had some free time
for seeing the city and do what we wanted. We bought some food and also some
souvenirs for the families. Later we met next to the cathedral and went to the
Then we went to the supermarket and bought some food for a "party" we had that night. We had a really good night and we made even stronger our relationships. The next day we went to the airport for coming back to Spain. We said goodbye to everybody and went inside the airport. We went to our town and spended some time with our families. It has been the best experience of my life. I hope I see them again because they have became a family for me and I would love to see them again. Also the families have been so friendly and welcoming. I love all of them.'
Then we went to the supermarket and bought some food for a "party" we had that night. We had a really good night and we made even stronger our relationships. The next day we went to the airport for coming back to Spain. We said goodbye to everybody and went inside the airport. We went to our town and spended some time with our families. It has been the best experience of my life. I hope I see them again because they have became a family for me and I would love to see them again. Also the families have been so friendly and welcoming. I love all of them.'
Manuel Salido
The last day of this week was fantastic. The day hiking. At 9 o'clock we went to Stonehenge. I was intrigued to see those famous stones. When we arrived, I was very impressed by the stones, everything was so beautiful. I loved the structure of the stones and their history. At the end of the visit, we went to see Salisbury cathedral. In the cathedral an old man explained to us all about the cathedral and he explained it very well. That cathedral is huge and what my attantion was the baptsmalfont. Then we had a little time to by the lastest gifts for our family. At 6 o'clock we took the bus to go to the houses but at 21 o'clock we had a small farewell party, where we all had fun. We all played billiards, we danced, we sang and we took photos. Everything was fun, but at the same time a bit sad because we knew that the end of this story had come to our lives.'
The last day of this week was fantastic. The day hiking. At 9 o'clock we went to Stonehenge. I was intrigued to see those famous stones. When we arrived, I was very impressed by the stones, everything was so beautiful. I loved the structure of the stones and their history. At the end of the visit, we went to see Salisbury cathedral. In the cathedral an old man explained to us all about the cathedral and he explained it very well. That cathedral is huge and what my attantion was the baptsmalfont. Then we had a little time to by the lastest gifts for our family. At 6 o'clock we took the bus to go to the houses but at 21 o'clock we had a small farewell party, where we all had fun. We all played billiards, we danced, we sang and we took photos. Everything was fun, but at the same time a bit sad because we knew that the end of this story had come to our lives.'
At 11 o´clock I
left for the house and prepared my things to return.
'We are María José, Marcela and Carmen. We are both María José and I staying in Marcela’s house. We are very excited because we have arrived to England this morning in order to spend a week with our English friends. Today we have eaten all together in a chicken restaurant, where the food was so tasty; then we have played in a minigolf where we have spent a great time, although we were terrible at it; finally we and all the girls have gone to a gossip meeting. Today has been our first day here but we feel like if this were my house, we love United Kingdom!
Tomorrow will be a hard day so we are going right now to sleep, bye!'
'We are María José, Marcela and Carmen. We are both María José and I staying in Marcela’s house. We are very excited because we have arrived to England this morning in order to spend a week with our English friends. Today we have eaten all together in a chicken restaurant, where the food was so tasty; then we have played in a minigolf where we have spent a great time, although we were terrible at it; finally we and all the girls have gone to a gossip meeting. Today has been our first day here but we feel like if this were my house, we love United Kingdom!
Tomorrow will be a hard day so we are going right now to sleep, bye!'
María José Membrive y Carmen Arjona
Manuel Molina Porlán
Coordinador del Proyecto Erasmus+
And as a delicious yummy dessert, I hope you will enjoy this clip which reflects one of the best moments we all have lived during this exceptional week.
Ta ta!
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