Our exchange diary: an awesome week with our English friends

Durante esta intensa semana de inmersión lingüística y cultural, todos los alumnos participantes han tenido que hacer su 'exchange diary', en el que han resumido las actividades principales día a día, tanto en un pequeño texto escrito como en un vídeo, solos o con sus compañeros ingleses.

Son decenas de trabajos así que hemos decidido hacer un diario conjunto, con una breve aportación de cada alumno, para publicar en varias entradas a este blog. De esa manera, nos podemos hacer una idea global de lo que esta experiencia ha supuesto para cada uno de ellos, para sus familias y para toda la comunidad educativa en general.

Pero vamos a empezar por el final. Por la entrega de los 'diplomas' a los alumnos que han participado en este I Intercambio entre Lytchett Minster School y nuestro Instituto. Os lo habéis ganado a pulso.

Monday, 15th January

Today is Monday, 15th January so yesterday our English students came to Mancha Real. I was very nervous this morning because I’ve never talked face to face with an English person in my life.
When we have arrived to the high-school, our teachers had prepared a Spanish breakfast with ‘churros’ and chocolate. We have started to talk among us, at the beginning they were shy.
In the afternoon, we had a snack in a cafe and then we went to my house because it was cold outside. We spent a good time because we have danced and have talked about our lives.
My favourite moment of this day has been when we have danced because we have taught them to dance ‘’paquito el chocolatero’’, a typical Spanish dance and then, they have taught us ‘’Cha-Cha Slide.’’ It has been so funny!

Elena Romero

Hoy, fuimos al instituto y era emocionante pero era bastante difícil para hablar con los alumnos. Más tarde, fuimos al ayuntamiento que era muy interesante y el edificio era precioso. Entonces, nos dieron algunos regalos como aceite de oliva de la zona. Por la tarde, salimos con los otros estudiantes por una bebida y una danza. Para concluir, el día era estupendo  y estamos emocionados para el día siguiente.

Jordan y Jon

This day has been an amazing first day. We woke up and, even thought we were so tired, we were able to reach the highschool. We had lunch, and my guests tasted churros. I’m quite sure they loved them. We went to the town hall and so our guests could see the church and the square. We had lasagne for lunch and the we did some homework. In the afternoon, we had a cofee and then went to a kind of party where we danced and had a lot of fun. In summary, we had a great day and I hope they are all like this one!!

Miguel Ángel

Tuesday, 16th January 

Today is Tuesday, 16th January and it has been great too. We have been in high school and then we have been to an olive mill. We learnt all about the production of olive oil, and we have tasted the olive oil. In the afternoon I went to Baeza with Marta and Olivia, we have visited a bit of the town, and we have eaten “churros”, a type of food that they haven’t got in England .

María Martínez González.

Today we went to the high school, we had a sport lesson and we played habdball. It was exciting because in England Olivia does not hace sports lessons. After the break we, went to an olive factory and the English students looked like they were very happy!
In the afternoon we visited Baeza. At first we ate churros in the main square, after that we saw the cathedral, the famous narrows streets and the university. We had a nice day!

Marta Montalvo

 Hoy fuimos al colegio de Marta otra vez, hicimos balonmano y después fuimos a una fábrica de aceite de oliva, vimos la maquinaria y como se hace el aceite, después probamos aceite de Jaén con pan, tomates y habas en un jardín. ¡Fue muy interesante! En Jaén hay aproximadamente 66 millones de árboles de olivas.
Lo mejor del día fue el viaje a Baeza. Cuando llegamos al pueblo merendamos churros y después vimos las vistas bonitas que ofrece. Fue muy histórico e impresionante y me gustó mucho.


Wednesday, 17th January.

Today we were visiting Jaén specifically the castle, the cathedral, a refuge and the arabic baths it was so tired for me because we have to walked a lot and also run to get on time to eat but it was a good day because we have been together, we had laugh a lot and we could visit  lots of monuments.

Alba de Dios Torres

Me encantó hoy porque tuvimos que ir a Jaén para visitar muchas cosas que están alli. Las vistas de los paisajes eran increíbles y también los monumentos. Creo que hoy ha sido el mejor hasta ahora:-)


Hoy era un día encantador, fui al instituto que siempre me encanta y, ¡entonces fuimos a Jaén! Era tan hermoso y lleno de cultura. ¡Todo lo que vimos era muy interesante! Pero la catedral era lo mejor, era bella e interesante para aprender sobre ella. Todo el día era una oportunidad asombrosa para pasar el tiempo, para hablar, y para reír con los otros estudiantes en el intercambio.

Fiona Thorpe

Hello, today we have had a great time, for now it is the best day of all those we have been together. I am delighted with this project. Thank you all, really. Today we have gone to Jaén to visit several important places in the city and we have gone to Elena's house again, where we have played like little children.

María de los Reyes

Thurday, 18th January

When we finished high school we went to eat at a restaurant; after that, we went to JAEN . The best of the day was when the girls went shopping and they were surprised when they saw the prices of the articles of clothes. They said: in England, clothes are more expensive that in Spain. It was very fun,

Marta Ulloa

On Thursday we assisted to lessons the whole morning and we also had nothing to do in the afternoon so we decided to go to a restaurant all together and lunch and then go to Jaén to do a radio interview, some of us. After the interview, we went to a café and then we came back to the town.

Manuel Salido

Today has been a calm day. We have attended all school hours. Everybody were tired but it is one of the many cool things we do. After high school, everyone went to eat and went to
Jaén to buy clothes. Itś been a vey nice experience and I really want to go there.

Marta López Catena

We spent all the morning in class. We tried to explain my subject to Chloe and she did the homework with me. She knew a routine day of a Spanish girl and I think it was a little difficult because she isn’t used of that but she really like to improve that. In the afternoon, all of us, the 24 students, went to Jaen to go shopping and it was a crazy since they bought a lot of clothes but we had fun.

Lourdes Llavero

Friday, 19th January

Today we are terribly tired because we have walked around the mountains of Sierra Mágina but we have had a good time. At night, we have gone to Miguel Angel's house to be all together and talk for a while. What I liked the most of today is that there was a lot of snow in the mountains and we have played throwing snowballs.

Carmen Arjona.

After a busy day in Jaén, we started the day with some lessons. The next step was the trip to the mountain with some snowball fights. We ate at the top of the hill and then we went down again. Then we had dinner together and the rest of the afternoon...

María José Membrive

Saturday, 20th January

I am very sad because today is the last day of this amazing week. Hiking trip of yesterday wasn´t as bad as we tought although some people went to the peak by car while we were suffering in the
middle of the mountain but at least we were taking advantage of the little time that we could be together. Lucie came back from the trip with pain in the knee so both of us went to my house to rest
a little bit. Then we got ready and went out to a bar and before that we visited the boys in Minguel Angel´s house.
We stayed awake until late so today when the alarm clock has sounded I was dying because it was seven o´clock in the morning and we would be visiting Córdoba in an hour. This day has passed
very quickly due to Córdoba is a stunning city, the weather couldn´t be better and of course, it is the last day. Today is the end of something special. The connections with other students, the friendship, the good moments that we spend, all of this has been such a dram and I couldn´t be more anxiously than I am to see them again, but this time it would be in England.

Sara Illán

-Are you tired ?
-no!! But can we keep sleeping please?
The only thing that we could hear during the journey to cordoba was people snoring. The after some coffes we were again alive. The visit to cordoba was really good and the free time too. Then we said goodbye to this amazing week  and friends...till april.

María José Membrive

Saturday was the last day and we were so tired, but we had to enjoy it as much as possible. We went to Córdoba and had such a good day. At first we went to see the ruins of Medina Al-Zahra and after that we went to the mosque (Mezquita de Córdoba) and we did a visit of its inside. When we finished some of us went to have lunch to Burger King and after that we met again. We went to a café and at 18:00 we took the bus for returning to the town. After arriving we had dinner and met for hanging out all together for the farewell. They left the town at 5:15 am.

This exchange has been one of the most important things in my life because we have made new friends and I have improved a lot my English. At first it was difficult for me to talk with Dene, but two or three days later we started been so good friends. Also the rest of the mates have been so important for me this week. I only hope that we go soon and that they can come here on holidays or that I go there.

To sum up, it has been a great experience and I hope that it would be the same there in England.

Manuel Salido Romero


Manuel Molina
Coordinador del Proyecto Eramus+
