Intercambio con Lytchett Minster. La voz de los alumnos: María José, Lourdes y Alba.

Our expectations for the Exchange.

Erasmus Youth,
 Europe's Future

Seguimos con nuestro intercambio con los alumnos del instituto de Secundaria del Reino Unido, el centro Lytchett Minster School. El siguiente video ilustra cómo con la adecuada motivación, se pueden conseguir muchas metas. 

En este caso concreto, María José, Lourdes y Alba, 3 alumnas de 1º de Bachillerato exponen sus razones -¡vaya sí convencen!- por las que se han liado la manta a la cabeza y tienen ya todo preparado. Es un perfecto ejemplo de trabajo en equipo, con una muy buena planificación, ejecución y puesta en práctica. ABP methodology en estado puro. ¿Y qué decir de su fluidez en el idioma de Shakespeare? Pasen y vean. Enhorabuena.

Ahora es el turno de los alumnos participantes, los verdaderos protagonistas, ya que, al fin a la postre, esta actividad está organizada para ellos y por ellos, ya que su implicación desde el minuto 0, está siendo muy importante, a fin de conseguir el máximo provecho a este viaje de estudios,


Nos habla ahora María José Membrive, una alumna apasionada de la vida y del inglés. 

'Hi, my name is María José Membrive, I live in Macha Real (Spain) and I am studying 1º Bachillerato at Sierra Mágina High school, so it is only 2 years before I get to  University. Now you could be wondering why  I am presenting myself, well, here we go.
 It started a few years ago when some teachers told us about the idea of participating in a student exchange with the UK for the first time in our high school. Some years before I could take part in another exchange to France and it was one of the best experiences in my life, so when our teachers commented the possibity of being involved in another one I was really excited. Later, thanks to our teachers, their hard work and lots of hours in front of the computer, it finally come true.
I am one of the fifteen students that are going to take part in this beautiful experience. It is going to consist in living with British students and being in the same classrooms. We have been talking to them thanks to the social networks for several weeks and, finally, next week, we are going to meet them face to face. During one week they are going to stay here, in Spain, visiting some monuments and cities, living with Spanish people and the most important thing, improving our language skills.
The main purpose of this trip is obvious, to learn and improve our English and practice it in  real situations. Then, it will help us to meet new people, to make new friends, to know more things about a different culture, new food... The real trip started in September when we did a survey and a name of a British student was assigned to each of us, so that we could engage in conversations about hobbies, activities we like doing, our routines, everything to meet our new friends properly.
As we are the first students who are able to do this, I would like not to be the last one, so I recommend everyone that has this opportunity to grab it. It changes your life and the way you think. We will try to do our best during this project and have some fun while doing it. See you soon.

María José Membrive.

1º Bachillerato 

Ahora es el turno de Lourdes Llavero, quien matiza con mucha  claridad las repercusiones que una experiencia como esta, independientemente de su duración, tendrá en sus jóvenes vidas.

'Hi everyone! I am Lourdes Llavero, student at IES Sierra Magina. I am 16 years old. I am in 1st of baccalaureate and I am one of the participants of the wonderful and amazing exchange that is about to  take place in England. Not much longer now, exactly a week for all of this to start up and our partners and future friends to come here, Mancha Real.

This exchange is the perfect opportunity to start to understand how our life will be in two years, when we grow up and leave our homes to do things without any aid, since it is a challenge for us, travel to another country where the inhabitants do not speak the same language as us; they have not the same habits and that is why we will have to get used to them, to their routines…. Also, we will have to be able to socialize with other people that you have never seen before. All of this will provide us with a lot of experiences for the day of tomorrow, as well as helping us to cross the bridge from children to adults. We learn to be more confident, to deal with any problems in any situations, be more self-confident and independent, and many more things.

Apart from all of this, it is obvious that living together with the English partners and then the trip to England will make our English improve and especially, get fluency while speaking this beautiful and useful language. Like an English’s teacher says, the best way to learn a language is to speak and speak and not stop doing it. But let's not forget about the amount of new people we're going to meet and the good times we're going to have since this is one of the important things that we have to keep in mind.

For all of this, I think that this exchange is going to be the best experience in our lives up to now;  everybody should have such an opportunity because it provides us with things and values that will define our life; that's why I hope that this exchange will take place every year so that others can enjoy it as I will do.

Lourdes Llavero
1º de Bachillerato

Y, por último, espero que disfrutéis con el punto de vista de nuestra alumna Alba de Dios, incapaz de dejar de sonreir.

Hi, my name is Alba I am from Mancha Real a town in Spain. I am going to participate in a student exchange  with some of my partners to England and we are very excited about it. We have already talked to our exchange partners and I am very happy because, personally, my exchange partner and I are very much alike, we have a lot of things in common such us the fact that we both like watching the same films, we have read the same books...

Firstly, they are going to come to Spain and we are going to have the opportunity to meet them face to face and know them better. Our high school is preparing some activities to do together and they are going to be so cool. Then, we are going to travel to England and spend a week there.
With this experience, I hope to improve my English, meet new people, learn new things about a different culture, eat new food and see the differences between English and Spanish people.

In conclusion, I think this experience is going to help us because nowadays, everybody should know something about English, if you want to find a good job and, in the future, you should speak more than a language, so with these exchanges we can learn faster; besides, it is a better way to learn a language than studying.

Alba de Dios

1º Bachillerato.

