Intercambio con Lytchett Minster. La voz de los alumnos: José Bermejo

My expectations for the Exchange.

Erasmus Youth,
 Europe's Future

Próximo ya el intercambio con los alumnos del instituto de Secundaria del Reino Unido, el centro Lytchett Minster School, vamos a ir informando a nuestra comunidad educativa sobre las actividades que vamos a llevar a cabo, weather permitting, though.

Ahora es el turno de los alumnos participantes, los verdaderos protagonistas, ya que, al fin a la postre, esta actividad está organizada para ellos y por ellos, ya que su implicación desde el minuto 0, está siendo muy importante, a fin de consegu máximo provecho a este viaje de estudios,

Ahora es el turno de José Bermejo Menjíbar , alumno de 1º de Bachillerato, apasionado de la avión, entre otras cosas.

'From Mancha Real to Lytchett Minster'

Well, 2018 has just begun, one year that comes full of new challenges and experiences. A year that is going to be hard, but it is going to bring me an incredible satisfaction. It seems incredible that the moment to receive our schoolmates of Lytchett Minster has come, and very soon we will be received in their country.

More or less two years ago, in an English class, Mr Manuel was showing us the photos of a beautiful high school. An exchange was being tried to be carried out, and since then, it has been impossible for me to get the idea that someday I might be travelling to England with my schoolmates, speaking in English with other students, or living with a native family, learning its language and habits and soaking up the British culture out of my mind.

During a week I will be living like an Englishman does. Being the whole day listening and speaking English, I hope to improve my ability to communicate in this language. I am looking forward to having a good time with my friends. I am sure that I will meet people with a different way of thinking, I will savour new food, I will see new landscapes and many other things that I do not know yet. Seeing the world from a different perspective will open my mind and will bring me a new point of view of life.

Jose Bermejo Mengíbar

Manuel Molina Porlán

Coordinador del Proyecto Erasmus+
