(You can read the English version at the bottom of this article).

“La prisión es una tremenda educación en la paciencia y la perseveranciaNelson Mandela

Nos adentramos ya en los últimos días de este frío mes de enero, que ya tocaba, y se acercan -no sin sigilo- las actividades centrales que el instituto IPEP de Jaén se fijó como hitos de un ambicioso proyecto Erasmus+ que, querámoslo o no, ha puesto el nombre de nuestro instituto de educación de adultos en la boca de más de uno y más de dos, no solo en nuestra tierra resecada sino más allá de Despeñaperros. Nos referimos, claro está, al Curso de Formación sobre Prácticas Educativas con Personas Privadas de Libertad, (6 y 7) por una parte, y al Congreso Andaluz sobre Educación en Centros Penitenciarios, Menores Infractores y Adultos (9 y 10).

Foto de @mmolpor. Prisión en Matoshinos.

Comenzamos hoy una serie de textos que nos van a ayudar a situarnos en los múltiples temas que serán abordados durante la Semana Erasmus+ IPEP JAÉN que, recordemos, se celebrará en el IPEP de Jáen entre el 6 y el 10 del ya casi naciente mes de febrero.

D. José Alberto Pinto Pereira, cuyo nombre no es nuevo para aquellos lectores asiduos, es el presidente de la Asociación Nacional de Educación en Prisiones de Portugal a la par que profesor de la Universidad portuguesa de Tras-os-Montes y Alto Douro.

La colaboración de D. José Alberto con nuestro proyecto se inició allá por enero de 2022, cuando empezamos a darle forma a esta empresa que ya ha cumplido 2 años de vida. Se prestó a ayudarnos desde el primero momento que contactamos con él, de manera totalmente desinteresada. Además, dos de nuestros compañeros han visto publicados sus artículos sobre este proyecto en la newsletter de tan prestigiosa asociación (Juan Claudio, aquí y Maríana, aquí).

Foto de @mmolpor. Oporto.

Es nuestro turno ahora presentarle nuestra querida ciudad de Jaén, nuestros campos, nuestros monumentos y nuestro centro educativo, agradecerle con cariño la inmensa ayuda prestada y escuchar con atención sus ideas y propuestas sobre un tema esencial en el que nosotros estamos todavía un poco verdes: el uso de las TIC en el centro penitenciario como plataforma de aprendizaje, y no será por los intentos habidos.

Les dejo con un breve anticipo de los contenidos de su conferencia, aprovechando para darle las gracias de nuevo.

Manuel Molina Porlán.
Coordinador Erasmus+



José Alberto Pinto


President of the Portuguese Prison Education Association (APEnP)[1]

Visiting Professor at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (Portugal)



Talking about Prison Education means understanding it from the premise of lifelong learning, putting into practice an approach to thematic and scientific content in dialogue with life paths. Education in prisons encourages self-reflection and allows inmates to decipher their reality by understanding the causes of the actions that led them to prison – a dialectical process aimed at starting a new life project.

This presentation will analyse Prison Education in Portugal since the fall of the dictatorship in 1974, focusing on the latest data from the Directorate General of Reintegration and Prison Services, the body responsible for prison management and social reintegration within the Ministry of Justice.

Based on a model for the development of Education in prisons in Portugal, the low level of inmates’ qualifications and the educational resources and strategies used, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic, will be discussed.

The presentation will conclude by proposing access to educational content on digital resource platforms and teaching via videoconferencing in a secure and controlled environment in prisons, in line with the European Commission’s European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan (2021) for training and digital upskilling of adult citizens for this decade.


Keywords: Education in prisons, Inmates’ qualifications, Teaching (resources and strategies), Digital skills, Reintegration

[1] The Portuguese Prison Education Association (Associação Portuguesa de Educação nas Prisões - www.apenp.pt), was founded in 2018. It is a branch of the European Prison Education Association (EPEA) - an NGO with participatory status at the Council of Europe - and is made up of prison teachers, trainers, academics and researchers interested in promoting and developing education and related activities in prisons in Portugal. APEnP is based at the Department of Education and Psychology of the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro.

Para saber más sobre la educación a distancia y el e-learning en Portugal, pueden acceder a estos artículos:

Moreira, J., Reis-Monteiro, A. & Machado, A. (2017). La educación superior a distancia y el e-Learning en las prisiones en Portugal [Higher Education Distance Learning and e-Learning in Prisons in Portugal]. Comunicar, 51, 39-49. https://doi.org/10.3916/C51-2017-04


“Prison is a tremendous education in patience and perseverance.” Nelson Mandela


We are now entering the last days of this cold month of January, which has already arrived, and the central activities that the IPEP Adult School of Jaén has set as milestones of an ambitious Erasmus+ project are approaching - not without stealth - which, whether we like it or not, has put the name of our adult education high school in the mouths of more than one and more than two, not only in our parched land but beyond Despeñaperros. We are referring, of course, to the Training Course on Educational Practices with Persons Deprived of Liberty, (6 and 7) on the one hand, and to the Andalusian Congress on Education in Penitentiary Centers, Juvenile Offenders and Adults (9 and 10).


Today we begin a series of texts that will help us situate ourselves in the multiple topics that will be addressed during the ‘Erasmus+ IPEP Adult School JAÉN Week’ which, remember, will be held at the IPEP in Jaén between the 6th and 10th of the almost nascent month of February.
Mr. José Alberto Pinto Pereira, whose name is not new to those regular readers, is the president of the National Association of Prison Education of Portugal as well as a professor at the Portuguese University of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro
Mr. José Alberto's collaboration with our project began back in January 2022, when we began to shape this project of life that has already been in existence for 2 years. He offered to help us from the first moment we contacted him, in a totally selfless manner. Furthermore, two of our colleagues have seen their articles about this project published in the newsletter of such a prestigious association (Juan Claudio, here and Maríana, here)



Now it's time to introduce you to our beloved city of Jaén, our fields, our monuments and our educational center, to thank you with affection for the immense help provided and to listen carefully to your ideas and proposals on an essential topic in which we are still a little green: the use of ICT in the penitentiary center as a learning platform, and it will not be because of the attempts that have been made.

I leave you all with a brief preview of the contents of your conference, taking the opportunity to thank you again
