Renée Goupil: La atención a la diversidad cultural es una de las claves de la educación del futuro.

Retomamos nuestro trabajo tras un breve parón  durante el que hemos tenido tiempo para hacer una pequeña evaluación de nuestro proyecto, su próximo final y su futuro inmediato.

Volvemos con el tema del intercambio a Lytchett Minster School, ya que, afortunadamente, aún colean las reflexiones por parte de alguna de los participantes en la primera fase de esta aventura cultural y lingüística. Es el caso de Renée Goupil, una de las profesoras acompañantes de los alumnos británicos durante su estancia aquí.

Renée Goupil en una clase de 2º de ESO

Pasado un tiempo, nos envía sus reflexiones, entre las que destaca cómo esta visita la ha reafirmado en su creencia en que el futuro de la educación pasa por el estrecho trabajo colaborativo entre el profesorado y si es posible, enfatizando la importancia de ahondar en las diferencias culturales tanto de los docentes como de los alumnos.

Dentro de 13 días nos volveremos a ver, ahora allí en Poole, donde nuestros alumnos volverán a  demostrar su manejo del idioma, su soltura vital y su grado de compromiso -muy alto por lo ya demostrado- con esta intensa actividad.

Os dejo con las palabras que, cariñosamente, nos ha enviado Renée desde la maravillosa Dorset.

'As a French language assistant from Canada, working at Lytchett Minster School for a couple of months, I learned a lot during my week in Jaén. For me, this school exchange has not only been an opportunity to familiarize myself with Andalusia culture. It also allowed me to get a general idea of the way a secondary school and the educational system is structured in Spain. Plus, now I know more about the preparation needed to organize a school exchange.

Spending time with teachers and students from Sierra Mágina, inside and outside of the classrooms, was an experience that I value a lot as a future teacher. My observations and my participation in different lessons extended my comprehension of class management, of inclusion, of teacher student relationship and of explicit teaching. Since I have come back to Lytchett, this authentic knowledge helped me evolve as a tutor, by giving me more confidence. I am convinced that this 'work experience' will also benefit me in the near future: I am starting a master in French Didactic next year to gain a better understanding of the teaching and learning process.

Alumnos y profesores participantes en el intercambio con Lytchett Minster School
My stay in Jaén has inspired me to pursue my journey in different teaching environments. I was really pleased to discover the Erasmus + project because I strongly believe in collaborative actions between teachers from different backgrounds. In my opinion, cultural diversity is a key in education: everybody, teachers and students are opening up their possibilities by sharing their life for a while with people from another country.
Sierra Mágina and all the lovely people I met during this trip helped me specify more my professional and personal aspirations.

Thank you so much! I feel blessed!
Merci beaucoup! Je suis chanceuse!'

Renée Goupil
